Denise Bissonnette appears smiling. She is wearing a white floral blouse and is against a teal blue background.

Acclaimed Author, Speaker, and Trainer, Denise Bissonnette, will be celebrated at the SCE Lifeworks Come Together event.

SCE LifeWorks is pleased to honour Denise Bissonnette with the inaugural Impact Award to be presented on October 19, 2023 at the Come Together celebration at Qualico Family Centre at Assiniboine Park. The award was created to honour those who have made an indelible impact improving the lives of people with a developmental disability, who have effectively, systemically, and over time championed positive perspectives and perceptions of the abilities of people with developmental disabilities.

Denise Bissonnette wearing a white floral top against a blue/green background.

“Denise is amazing. Through her presentations, trainings, books and resources, Denise provides great tools, showing us the “how”. Perhaps more importantly, Denise also challenges us to think about the bigger picture—the “why”—and in doing so, helps us infuse our work with purpose and meaning. When I say “us”, I mean the tens of thousands of practitioners throughout North America who help people with disabilities, and people facing other barriers, find and keep employment. Denise challenges our whole employment services sector to expand our preconceived notions of the possibilities for the people we serve. These are just some of the reasons why she’s one of the giants in our work. We at SCE LifeWorks are very lucky to work with her, and I’m so pleased we have this chance to give Denise this overdue recognition.” Oly Backstrom, President and CEO

Denise Bissonnette is one of North America’s most sought after trainers and speakers on career and job development. A strong advocate for individuals with barriers to employment, she has inspired audiences and learners with innovative thinking, life experience, and practical strategies. Her books, Beyond Traditional Job Development: The Art of Creating Opportunity and 30 Ways to Shine are foremost reference material for those in the field of employment consulting and job development. Denise’s unique style of weaving poetry with practical applications makes her presentations not just an improvement of skills for her audience, but inspiring. (more on Denise)

SCE LifeWorks was founded in 1987 by a group of parents and community members looking to create an alternate service to provide opportunities and participation in mainstream life for people with developmental disabilities. It is the organization’s mission to support people with developmental disabilities in their goals to work and participate in community. We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to live and work in the community where they are respected and rewarded for their efforts, skills and accomplishments. (More on SCE LifeWorks)


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