Out of focus office with a person standing up front holding a whiteboard sign and the SCE LifeWorks logo is on the sign

SCE LifeWorks Announces Recipients of the 2023 Personal Achievement and Employer of the Year Awards.

Personal Achievement Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize a person supported through SCE LifeWorks for significant and/or outstanding personal achievement. The criteria for this award includes, but is not limited to, demonstrated self motivation and initiative, dispelling myths and stereotypes through their actions, and overcoming significant barriers.

Our 2023 Personal Achievement Award Recipients:

  • Andrew Bennett
  • Jessica Millar
  • Mike Kostanski

Employer of the Year

The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding employer whose workplace employs one or more SCE LifeWorks participants, and their willingness and work to ensure these employees achieve success, bringing benefit forboth employer and employee. Award recipients set an employment inclusion standard that other employers can learn from and emulate.

Our 2023 Employer of the Year Award Recipients:

  • Dixon Group
  • Anne Ross Day Nursery
  • University of Manitoba

SCE LifeWorks was founded in 1987 by a group of parents and community members looking to create an alternate service to provide opportunities and participation in mainstream life for people with developmental disabilities. It is the organization’s mission to support people with developmental disabilities in their goals to work and participate in community. We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to live and work in the community where they are respected and rewarded for their efforts, skills and accomplishments. More on SCE LifeWorks

Awards will be given at the SCE LifeWorks “Come Together” event on Thursday October 19th at the Qualico Family Centre


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