· SCE LifeWorks
· Network South Enterprises
· Continuity Care
· ACL Winnipeg
· Dr. Zana Lutfiyya of the Department of Education, University of Manitoba
· Dr. Jennifer Mactavish of the Health, Leisure and Human Performance
Research Institute
· Dr. Christine Blais of the Health, Leisure and Human Performance
Research Institute
Project Coordinators:
Elizabeth Gamble
(Phase I)
Karen Schwartz
(Phase II)
Perspectives in Change
Phase I: January 2002 – October 2003
Phase II: April 2004 – December 2005
SCE LifeWorks has partnered with research and education institutions and government and community organizations to discover and demonstrate important information and best practises in the field.
Perspectives in Change is a grassroots participatory action research project. This study is privately funded by an anonymous foundation seeking to further the enhancement of lives of adults with intellectual disabilities through
action research and community based change. The research focus is on issues and opportunities supporting broader participation in work, life and community for adults with intellectual disabilities. The Research purpose is to identify
key issues that affect the provision of community-based supports and services to adults with intellectual disabilities in work and community participation, and to develop an action plan for addressing these issues— fostering positive
change. Of particular interest is the identification of factors that determine successful employment for adults with intellectual disabilities, and how this knowledge could result in more successful marketing of supported employment
in general, as well as more successful supported employment experiences in particular.