A green plant sits in a planter on a table wiht a white Thank You and smile in front.
SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund

SCE LifeWorks has established an Endowment Fund with The Winnipeg Foundation. The SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund will increase the organization’s financial stability in years to come. To make a contribution now or to consider adding the SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund as a beneficiary in your will, contact SCE LifeWorks or
The Winnipeg Foundation at (204) 944-9474.

Donate directly to the SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund on The Winnipeg Foundation portal.

Endowment Fund FAQ’s 

What is the SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund?
The SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund is managed by The Winnipeg Foundation. Endowment funds are established so that the “principal” of the fund will continue to grow (as long as there are individuals and organizations contributing to it). The “interest” generated from the fund is used as the revenue source; the “principal” is never itself used as revenue, since it is the revenue generator.

Why is a contribution to the SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund a “gift that keeps on giving”?
Your contribution to the SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund becomes part of the “principal” and so it will generate “interest” for as long as the Fund and SCE LifeWorks exist (we intend that to be a very long time!).

I heard that The Winnipeg Foundation actually matches my donation. Is that true?
Initially, The Winnipeg Foundation was matching donations to our endowment fund “dollar for dollar” while we were in the initial phase of growth. Once The Winnipeg Foundation contributed a total of $15,000, the SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund entered a second phase of growth, where The Winnipeg Foundation contributed one dollar for every five dollars donated.

Currently, The Winnipeg Foundation is contributing one dollar for every nine dollars donated.

What has SCE LifeWorks done with revenue from the Fund up to now?
The SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund is still small as these funds go, generating a relatively small amount of interest. Up until now, SCE LifeWorks has been re-investing the interest back into the fund (and these re-investments are subject to the “top-up” from The Winnipeg Foundation). In the future, the SCE LifeWorks Board of Directors will determine how to make best use of the revenue generated by the Fund in support of our organizational mission.

Why is The SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund important?
It is the one way that SCE LifeWorks as an organization can develop a revenue source that is dependable and not subject to variables such as shifting government priorities or fundraising trends.

Why should I donate to the SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund?

It is the gift that keeps on giving—indefinitely!

This kind of investment in SCE LifeWorks strengthens us for a long and healthy future.

A strong endowment fund helps SCE LifeWorks as an organization become less dependent on an ever-changing funding environment.

How do I contribute to your fund?

You can send an Endowment Fund contribution to SCE LifeWorks the same way that you would send a regular donation, but specifying that your donation is to go to the “SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund”.

If you prefer, you can send your contribution directly to:

The Winnipeg Foundation
1350 – One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0X3

Please specify that your contribution is for the “SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund”.

Whether sending your donation to SCE LifeWorks or to The Winnipeg Foundation, you can make your cheque out to “The SCE LifeWorks Endowment Fund”.