Summer Work Exposure Program

For High School Students seeking  Work Experience

The Summer Work Exposure Program provides up to twelve students 16-20 with a seven-week supported work placement. It is an opportunity for high school students to expand skills, understand employer expectations, and explore future employment options. Students will have a chance to expand their experience base and have a better understanding of both their interests and gifts.

The Summer Work Exposure Program was developed with the following goals:

  • To find challenging, meaningful and integrated jobs related to students’ interests.
  • To provide students with first-hand experience in an individualized and realistic employment setting.
  • To increase students’ self-sufficiency and self-esteem through community participation.
  • To further develop each student’s repertoire of experiences to help them make more informed decisions following graduation.
  • To provide on-site training and support as well as initial transportation coordination.
  • To assist in the transition process from school to work following graduation

Selection Criteria

  • Eligibility for summer program funding from Community Living disABILITY Services or Children’s disABILITY Services.
  • Commitment to the full seven weeks.
  • Must not have participated in the program for more than two years (special circumstances may be considered).
  • A clear interest in working during the summer.
  • Priority given to older students (closer to graduation).
  • We strive to have a balanced program including individuals with a range of support needs.

Applications must be completed and returned to SCE LifeWorks. 

Applicants will be contacted shortly after this deadline to set up interviews at the student’s school. SCE LifeWorks will notify both the Community Services Worker and the selected applicants of decision. Please note that the start dates of the summer program are staggered to allow for individualized training by a Job Coach.

Throughout the program, Job Coaches will work with clients to develop a portfolio highlighting the students work experience. At the end of the session, each student will receive a written evaluation completed by SCE LifeWorks.

Selection Process:

  • Deadline for applications is in April.
  • SCE LifeWorks Summer Program Leads will conduct interviews (may be virtual).
  • Interviews will be scheduled on receipt of application.
  • The Summer Program Leads will notify the CSW and the student when decisions have been finalized.

It’s Not Solely Work!

A picnic at mid-point allows students to get together with others in the summer work exposure program. A wind-up BBQ provides the opportunity to celebrate and receive their portfolios, as well as, providing support teams an opportunity to meet each other and our entire team.

A young person with dark hair in a lab coat is sorting medicasion into a container.